Karl Rove to Experience Joys of Man Love in Federal Prison?
Maybe not, but this story should be getting a little bit more traction than it is (along with the Downing Street Memo, more on that later). Note the carefully worded responses of Rove's lawyer. "Rove did not disclose to any reporter" (but did Rove disclose to a non-reporter or authorize someone else to disclose?) "He did not knowingly reveal classified info" (did he unknowingly do it?). C'mon press, ask some better questions and make Rove answer definitively. BTW, nothing bars Rove from testifying about what he said before the grand jury. He could come forward and say exactly what he told them, unless he fears that his words could be used in some sort of criminal prosecution against himself (perhaps a perjury indictment for lying to a grand jury?). For more on this, check out this post on the Huffington Post
Imagine if you will that it was Clinton who was in power and that in response to an article that was critical of Clinton policies, a columnist sympathetic to Clinton revealed that the writer of the critical article had a wife that was working undercover for the CIA. There would be hell to pay. But with W and the Bushies, the press have given yet another free pass. (By the way, why isn't Robert Novak, the writer of the Sun-Times article that outed Valerie Plame, not facing criminal charges for revealing classified info?)
Not that the press should necessarily engage in a tit-for-tat, but I'm looking for at least some critical questioning of any presidential policies or actions. The Downing Street Memo should provide the press with a wealth of questions for the president. However, it seems that the press is a little more interested in comets, tom cruise, brad pitt and angelina jolie (that last one might be justified), and "intelligent" design theory (BTW, all you rabid conservatives should read George Will's column in Newsweek on intelligent design theory.) Remember all of the "Wag the Dog" talk that occurred when Clinton was in power and sent missiles to Afghanistan and the Sudan? Clinton was in the middle of his impeachment battle and many conservatives accused him of ordering the attacks to deflect attention from his political troubles. (A scenario, by the way, that Richard Clarke exposed as nonsense in his book "Against All Enemies" and that post 9/11 we discovered was a quick, justified move.) However, the press, latched on to the story and let it play out. Not to mention even the impeachment itself! Can we get some critical perspective in our press? Seriously, what's more deserving of press coverage: being misled (some say lied) into war or lying about a hummer in the oval office?
Oh yeah, happy July 4th. Let's celebrate our freedom of the press.
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