random updates of things that interest me

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Shouldn't they have dones this, oh I don't know, about 18 months ago? New U.S. Effort Steps Up Hunt for bin Laden So, Bush has revealed the second prong of attack in his reelection effort. Capture bin Laden. Yup, that should definitely make Iraq safer, prevent the rise of militant muslim theocracies, create more jobs for Americans, help the poor, and restore confidence in CEOs who stole from the back pockets of hard working Americans.

Hey,I'd love nothing more than for us to capture bin Laden, but it's unfortunate that it didn't happen sooner. Had we kept the focus on terrorist organizations, and not made the diversion into Iraq, we would (1) have more credibility around the globe, and (2) we would therefore have more authority to go after rogue, terrorist organizations. Will capturing bin Laden make the world safer? Did the capture of Saddam Hussein make Iraq safer?

Let's hope the capture happens as quickly as possible, so that this president can go about the people's business and work toward solving the problems of average, regular Americans.


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